Cara MacMillan interviews Nancy Lowery

VoiceAmerica Talk Radio, Cara MacMillan interviews Nancy Lowery – December 7, 2010 >> “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” — John Quincy Adams – Nancy Lowery inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more. Learn how The Natural Leader works with individuals and organizations to define their leadership style one relationship at a time.

Listening makes good horse sense

Alberta Bits >> Listening makes good horse sense, Sandra Anderson Fall 2010. “Too bad your horse can’t tell you where it hurts.”… While we may interpret a whinny as a greeting, other aspects of a horse’s communication can be less obvious. Reprinted with permission AEFe>>Read Alberta Bits Article

Knocking a little horse sense into managers

The Globe & Mail >> Knocking a little horse sense into managers, Norval Scott – May 09/07
“Carol Mosig was having trouble. Uncomfortable with horses at the best of times, the deployment manager for Telus Corp. couldn’t understand why her bright eyed animal was pawing the ground and whinnying relentlessley, while everyone else’s was standing calmly.” >> Read Globe Article