On Stage TEDxYYC

TEDxYYC – Present in a Relationship

  In 2016 Nancy was invited to give a talk on her learnings through delivering leadership programs with horses. Just a small first speaking engagement on stage in front of 1,800 people at the Jack Singer Concert Hall in Calgary, Alberta.

Books – Leadership is NOT a Wardrobe Issue

Leadership is NOT a Wardrobe Issue. Life lessons on leadership through horsemanship and how they relate to The Natural Leader programs. A sixteen-year veteran of experiential equine learning Nancy has delivered hundreds of programs to thousands of individuals. In Leadership is NOT a Wardrobe Issue, Nancy shares her expertise on a wide range of topics from working with horses, practical experience on developing a business and references for the arena for those considering a career path of leadership through working with horses or those wishing to expand their current equine practice. A certification program in a book.


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Stampede 2019

Join Us – July 9 & 10th at 3 pm at the 2019 Calgary Stampede in The Northern Lights Arena. We are proud to be a part of the Greatest Show on Earth. Join us as we celebrate what horses teach us, about us.

The Reins of Responsibility

Join the herd for leadership learning outside the boardroom. An experience that applies to everything, the workplace and the family. Explore how your behaviours, vulnerability, resilience, confidence and presence impact how others see you and ultimately how you see yourself. Invest in yourself and others on your team.
More information & registration >>

Stampede 2018

Join Us – July 10 & 11th at 3 pm at the 2018 Calgary Stampede in The Northern Lights Arena. We are proud to be a part of the Greatest Show on Earth. Join us each year as we celebrate what horses teach us, about us.

Handing over the reins

Handing Over the Reins of Responsibility

These Reins of Responsibility are offered as a token of appreciation for believing what The Natural Leader could offer employees of ATBFinancial.

The past four years have been a tremendous gift and we hope this simple acknowledgement serves as a reminder of the opportunity you have given others. Handing over The Reins of Responsibility as they pursue their careers and dreams.

The parallels between Leadership and Horsemanship are no clearer than through the reins. The lines of communication connecting horse and rider through the most sensitive parts of our bodies, mouth to hands.

The Romal Reins mean both rider and horse have attained a high level of accomplishment. All the tasks required of the horse can be executed in one hand. The horsemanship abilities of the rider have developed so they can maintain an engaged, high performing bridle horse. A level of achievement that can only be attained through time with patience and vigilance.

The tradition of making a bridle horse comes from an era when we needed a reliable parter to complete a job in sometimes unpredictable and unforgiving circumstances. There are no shortcuts, force and power have no place in the making of a bridle horse.

The reins are but one part of the bridle. The head stall carries the bit in the horses mouth. The reins attach to the bit by a set of rein chains, together ensuring the balance of the bit so intent can be communicated with the lightest of touch.

The features of the Romal Reins are quite specific. The single piece ensures a constant length of each rein so the smallest of adjustment communicates a change. The rawhide is light and pliable, the  decorative elements or buttons, are located to add weight, balance and light pressure at particular points along the neck of the horse. The name comes from the bat at the end of the reins, the romal. Here too decorative elements add weight, the romal a reminder of consequence.

Some will rush to use these reins before either horse or rider are ready, sadly that is when the humans most sensitive touch can become harsh. These reins are a reminder, as a leader or a horseman, responsibility is ongoing to find the support and guidance needed to achiever result over romal.

Perhaps at one point you may turn these reins over, with the meaning of the responsibility you have gained through your leadership journey. We have been honored to be a part of the learning of so many at ATBFinancial.

Stampede 2017

Each year we spend a few days down at the Calgary Stampede – offering Stampede visitors the opportunity to experience how horses can help us become better leaders, parents and well better people. It’s always an interesting experience and the chaos of the grounds certainly tests the team, I am always so proud at how everyone behaves.

Leadership Learning

This Weeks Leader’s Moment

This Weeks Leader’s Moment – Emily Snihourowych – I was a little more than nervous that day so TRUST was a huge part of stepping into the arena. Wouldn’t you know it, I was handed the lead rope of the biggest horse! Since that day with Big Jim, being able to trust others, has allowed me to grow exponentially. On the advice and support of my leader, I moved from People & Culture to the Assistant Branch Manager Trainee program! With their trust, I have experienced a different than expected and most rewarding career change. #Leadership Through Horsemanship