Nancy has been professionally speaking on a topic she loves for over 14 years. Whether it is delivering a TEDxTalk, a keynote address to a conference or to a crowd at the Calgary Stampede, Nancy’s passion for what she does with The Natural Leader engages others.

Nancy is represented by The Speakers Bureau of Canada on the topics of Leadership; Team Learning; Project Management and finding Luck in what you do.

Talks are custom designed to suit your audience and typically are accompanied by some great images.


“I first connected with Nancy at TEDxYYC. Her graceful insight allowed me to view some of the challenges and obstacles I face in my personal/professional life with a fresh approach. She spoke about the riding term, “Schwung” and how life cannot be a continuous stream of hitting this sweet spot. When we find it we know and if brings depth to our appreciation of that moment.

That simple riding concept has transformed how I approach my marriage, relationship with our kids and my work style. Nancy had a very relaxed presence onstage and was even more so in person. I would look forward to the opportunity to bring teams I work on to her to reflect on our leadership/team styles.

Thanks Nancy for bridging this equestrian information into business and everyday life!”
Bre Fitzpatrick


Nancy speaking at the Calgary Stampede

Professionally Speaking: On 25% of the 10%

When you are only 25% of the 10% in the 70:20:10 Learning model how do you leave an impact that is personal, memorable and applicable. DisRuptHRYYC – May 4th

Lucky to Do What You Love

Finding Luck in anything you do comes down to some pretty simple principles but, it isn’t always easy. Starting a business is what helped Nancy believe being Lucky to do What You Love isn’t the endgame, it has to be the process.


Schwung….the circuit of energy from the rider, through the hindquarters to the front feet of the horse in connected, fluid, forward movement.

Finding Schwung in the workplace requires that we are truly present, showing up as trust, engagement and accountability. Nancy completes the metaphorical link between horses and humans and the influence our energy has on others.
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Leadership Learnings from the Arena

What if everything you did as a leader was mirrored back to you in a meaningful way?
Leadership learnings through horsemanship may seem a far cry from what teams in the modern organization need but it is exactly these kind of experiences that get us thinking beyond what we normally do. Horses are great lateral thinkers. For individuals, for organizations to succeed we need creative thinkers, people who can ask great questions, think differently and do more with less.