Nancy Lowery, Lead People Whisperer & Founder – “Much of what I know about leading teams I learned from my horses,” – a statement that pretty much captures my journey, one that began long before The Natural Leader became a reality. Horses have always been a part of my life but it was 15 years as a project manager that helped me see what I had learned about people, from a horse.
Since launching in 2004, there have been many hours, days and people that have supported that belief as I watch the power an interaction with a horse can have on understanding leadership behaviour.
Offering hands-on Leadership Learning with horses has evolved into sharing the learnings horses can offer through speaking engagements. Each year I present at the Calgary Stampede and in 2016 I explored a key learning in a TEDxTalk – Learning to be Present in a Relationship. In a 2017 DisRuptHR talk, I offered a view to creating effective programming when you are but a small part of a leadership program.
I am pretty proud to be a part of the 2015 ATBFinancial Silver Award for blended learning from the Institute for Performance & Learning, the best part – ATB employees continue to experience the benefits of their investment with The Natural Leader.
The awards may have been handed to others, it is flattering to be nominated numerous times for the Alberta Women Entrepreneur Award, RBC Women of Influence and Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year. While the honor is great I believe doing what you Love is the most important factor in the nomination. After if it was easy, everyone would be doing it.
Post TEDTalk I’ve begun interviewing what others have learned through their interactions with horses, these conversations are captured in my Blog. I have compiled and edited workbooks for others interested in offering programming with horses and have sent them around the globe. The latest effort Leadership is NOT a Wardrobe Issue, The Games People Play with Horses, Creating Exceptional Leaders through learning with horses and In Business to Define.
As always my work with horses continues. Each horse in The Natural Leader herd teaches me something new about myself, about interacting with others and about finding my way through uncomfortable moments.
I couldn’t do any of this without the support of the best guy in the world. Thanks Chris.