Leadership Skills Development through the metaphor of the horseLeadership skills development for Individual or Small team participation.

March 17 2017 is Your next opportunity to participate in The Natural Leader, Award Winning Programs.

The Reins of Responsibility is a hands-on Leadership skills development program. Explore key concepts of leadership from well know sources such as The Leadership Challenge and Emotional Intelligence through hands-on activities with a horse.

The Reins of Responsibility

The Reins of Responsibility March 17The day is a combination of facilitated activity and discussion. Horses mirror our actions and reactions and will provide you real time feedback on your own leadership behaviors. Leadership is about how we behave. The day will help you gain clarity on what you intend and what others may see.

A horse will miss none of that!

Leadership Skills Development that will:

  • Support your personal leadership goals in a meaningful way
  • Help you experience an awareness of self you may not have previously recognized
  • Handle The Reins of Responsibility to discover emotional triggers that show up in the workplace
  • Identify habits and behaviours that require conscious application in the workplace

You benefit from our 12 years of experience delivering effective, meaningful programs to thousands of individuals. Organizations such as: ATBFinancial, Sanjel Inc., Shell Canada and Nexen to list but a few believe in the benefits horses can offer. We are confident your partner from The Natural Leader herd will help you define your own personal Leadership Moment and clarify what Leadership Behaviors will need to strengthen.

Commitment: Friday, March 2017 – 9 am – 4 pm $750 + GST
Location: Calgary, Alberta


# of Participants

Programs delivered in a heated indoor arena right in the City of Calgary! Easy access off of Stoney Trail N.W. Our UofC Leadership: From Horse Sense to People Smarts programs always filled up quickly. We look forward to you joining us.